Aulin V., Bobrytskyi V., Tikhii A. Providing self-form parts with cutting elements in their manufacture.


  • В.В., Аулін
  • В.М. Бобрицький
  • А.А. Тихий


To ensure self-form cutting elements in the operation of a technology manufacturing business with the use of concentrated energy flows. It is shown that the application of technology, a reduction in manufacturing operations and improve the reliability and durability of parts. The changes shape and size of the work wear of tillage machines manufactured by different technologies.


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How to Cite

Аулін, В., Бобрицький, В., & Тихий, А. (2014). Aulin V., Bobrytskyi V., Tikhii A. Providing self-form parts with cutting elements in their manufacture. Problems of Tribology, 69(3), 104–108. Retrieved from


