Influence of grinding time on a structure and wear resistance of ceramic materials on the basis of the system SiC-Al2O3 together with a ceramic counterbody / A.G. Dovgal // Problems of Tribology. – 2012. – № 1. – Р. 20-26.


  • А.Г. Довгаль


Influence of batch mixture content and iron millings on the structure of ceramic materials of the system SiC-Al2O3 acquired by the hot pressing has been researched. Influence of the technological modes on the acquisition of hot pressed ceramic wares of the system SiC-Al2O3 with iron millings has been studied. Influence of structure of ceramic materials on their wear resistance and wear mechanisms together with ceramic counterbody has been studied.


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5. Панасюк А.Д., Уманский А.П., Довгаль А.Г. Исследование контактного взаимодействия кера-мики SiC-Al2O3 с никелем, алюминием и никель-алюминиевыми сплавами // Адгезия расплавов и пайка материалов. – 2010. – № 43. – С. 55-63.



How to Cite

Довгаль, А. (2014). Influence of grinding time on a structure and wear resistance of ceramic materials on the basis of the system SiC-Al2O3 together with a ceramic counterbody / A.G. Dovgal // Problems of Tribology. – 2012. – № 1. – Р. 20-26. Problems of Tribology, 63(1), 20–26. Retrieved from




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