Development of theory of method of wear tests on a chart cone three balls for the details of fine mechanics


  • В.Г. Писаренко
  • О.В. Диха


Worked out theory of method of wear tests on a chart cone - three balls for the two-factor model of wear (contact pressure, temperature) with determination of descriptions of conformity to law of wear. The method of tests is recommended for the laboratory tests of efficiency of technologies of increase of wearproofness of details of fine mechanics.


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3. Кузьменко А.Г. Методы испытаний на износ / А.Г. Кузьменко., С.В. Сытник // Проблемы три-бологии. – 1999. – № 2(12). – С. 38-109.
4. ГОСТ 23.218-84. ОИИ. Метод экспериментальной оценки температурной стойкости смазоч-ных материалов при трении. Взамен ГОСТ 17604-72.



How to Cite

Писаренко, В., & Диха, О. (2014). Development of theory of method of wear tests on a chart cone three balls for the details of fine mechanics. Problems of Tribology, 63(1), 142–146. Retrieved from




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