Tool reinforced workfaces wear forecast on MATLAB module “TRWWF” for plotting wear stochastic process bundle realizations under evaluations of linear-parabolic wear fracture and wear stochastic component magnitude


  • V.V. Romanuke


A problem of forecasting tool reinforced workfaces wear is considered under being given parameters of linear-parabolic time-wear dependence fracture and the magnitude of the wear process stochastic component. There has been suggested a MATLAB module for solving this problem on observing bundles of wear stochastic process realizations with the handle to adjust parameters of the linear and parabolic parts of the time-wear dependence.


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How to Cite

Romanuke, V. (2014). Tool reinforced workfaces wear forecast on MATLAB module “TRWWF” for plotting wear stochastic process bundle realizations under evaluations of linear-parabolic wear fracture and wear stochastic component magnitude. Problems of Tribology, 64(2), 112–114. Retrieved from




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