A theorem on continuum of the projector optimal behaviors in antagonistic model of building resources distribution under segment uncertainties with incorrectly pre-evaluated one left and one right endpoints


  • V.V. Romanuke


There is considered a problem of distributing optimally the four-mounted building resources under uncertainties. The theorem on continuum of the projector optimal strategies in the antagonistic model with a left endpoint and a right endpoint of segment uncertainties, been pre-evaluated incorrectly, has been proved.


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How to Cite

Romanuke, V. (2014). A theorem on continuum of the projector optimal behaviors in antagonistic model of building resources distribution under segment uncertainties with incorrectly pre-evaluated one left and one right endpoints. Problems of Tribology, 62(4), 52–55. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/288




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