Buryak V.G., Buryak A.V. Regularities of changes in the components of cutting force and the energy states of the treated and tool material during the machining process


  • В.Г. Буряк
  • А.В. Буряк


Analyze patterns of change in components of cutting force and the energy States of the treated and tool material during the machining process. The authors study the changes of the cutting force component in the process of machining. The obtained results are the initial data when using the assessment methodology performance cutting tools for the analysis of acoustic characteristics of the energy state of processed and tool materials with the use of differential equations the causal connection. Key words: machining, components of the cutting forces, acoustic material properties, causation, wear


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How to Cite

Буряк, В., & Буряк, А. (2017). Buryak V.G., Buryak A.V. Regularities of changes in the components of cutting force and the energy states of the treated and tool material during the machining process. Problems of Tribology, 85(3), 25. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/608


