Buryak V.G., Buryak A.V., Drapak L.S., Buryak V.V. Analysis of changes in the characteristics of the energy state of the processed materials and instrumental in achieving the quality, performance and reliability in machining


  • В.Г. Буряк
  • А.В. Буряк
  • Л.С. Драпак
  • В.В. Буряк


Analyzing changes in the characteristics of the energy state of the processed materials and instrumental in achieving the quality, performance and reliability in machining. The results of studies of the treated surface roughness of workpieces of different grades of materials and tools wear depending on conditions of machining process. For the analysis of these data, the mathematical model using the group method of data handling. The connection parameter roughness of the treated surface and the acoustic characteristics of materials. Keywords: Machining, surface roughness, acoustic properties of materials, causal link wear.


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How to Cite

Буряк, В., Буряк, А., Драпак, Л., & Буряк, В. (2016). Buryak V.G., Buryak A.V., Drapak L.S., Buryak V.V. Analysis of changes in the characteristics of the energy state of the processed materials and instrumental in achieving the quality, performance and reliability in machining. Problems of Tribology, 81(3), 68. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/64


