Aulin V., Lysenko S., Kuzyk O., Zhylova I. Physico-mesomechanical approach to identifying the nature of wear of mating parts of agricultural and motor transport equipment.


  • В. В. Аулін
  • С. В. Лисенко
  • О. В. Кузик
  • І. В. Жилова


friction, wear, mesomechanics, surface layer, part, hardening, fragmented structure, meso volume, rotational plasticity, wear resistance


The essence of the physico-mesomechanical approach to revealing the nature of wear of mating of machine parts is considered. Taking into account the nature of the fragmentation of the surface layer of the parts, the mechanism of its wear is clarified. It is shown, what changes occur in the surface layer, if it is strengthened by the energy flow and coatings, their features indicated. On the example of wear of tribocides according to various schemes, a correlation was found between the wear rate and the formation of the vortex fragmentation of the mesovortex structure. It was found out that the hardened surface of the part blocks the nucleation in its base of the mesovortical structure and thereby contributes to the increase in wear resistance. The basic requirements to the criteria for strengthening the details of tribo-conjugates are formulated. Recommendations for the creation and selection of effective technologies for hardening agricultural and road transport equipment have been developed.


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How to Cite

Аулін, В. В., Лисенко, С. В., Кузик, О. В., & Жилова, І. В. (2018). Aulin V., Lysenko S., Kuzyk O., Zhylova I. Physico-mesomechanical approach to identifying the nature of wear of mating parts of agricultural and motor transport equipment. Problems of Tribology, 86(4), 82–86. Retrieved from


