Gordienko O.A., Didenko N.O., Titov T.S., Panchenko T.I., Ranskiy A.P., Dyкha O.V. Research of the tri-bochemical system «bronze – thioamide – oil I-20A – steel».


  • О. А. Гордієнко
  • Н. О. Діденко
  • Т. С. Тітов
  • Т. І. Панченко
  • А. П. Ранський
  • О. В. Диха


thioamides, copper(II) complexes, organic solvents, anti-wear properties, nanotribology


In this work the tribochemical system "bronze - thioamide - oil I-20A - steel" has been investigated and the formation of coordinating compounds of copper(II) with thioamides has been established by mechanical activation of friction surfaces and organic solvent dimethylformamide (DMF). It has been established that better anti-wear properties have lubricating compositions comprising the investigated thioamides (HL1-HL5) along with DMF, which has high electron-donor (DNSbCl5) properties. In this case, thioamides, which include benzothiazole and amine fragments, have different effect on the anti-wear properties of the studied lubricant compositions.

In the study of the friction-reducing properties of lubricating compositions with thioamides HL1–HL5, there is a "critical" point of inflection at a contact load of 16 MPa, to which the friction coefficient for all compositions increases rectilinearly. The subsequent increase in contact pressure leads to a straightforward increase of the friction coefficients, and only for those compositions which include thioamides with chlorine and bromine atoms in the N-aryl fragment, the friction coefficient unexpectedly decreases.

The comparison of the obtained anti-wear and friction-reducing properties of lubricating compositions shows that in a number of cases, the improvement of tribotechnical properties does not coincide, which can be explained by different effects of additives in the investigated friction pair "bronze-steel".


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How to Cite

Гордієнко, О. А., Діденко, Н. О., Тітов, Т. С., Панченко, Т. І., Ранський, А. П., & Диха, О. В. (2018). Gordienko O.A., Didenko N.O., Titov T.S., Panchenko T.I., Ranskiy A.P., Dyкha O.V. Research of the tri-bochemical system «bronze – thioamide – oil I-20A – steel». Problems of Tribology, 88(2), 89–93. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/673




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