Influence of carbon fiber on tribotechnical characteristics of polyetheretherketone


  • O.I. Buria Dniprovsk State Technical University
  • A.-M.V. Tomina Dniprovsk State Technical University
  • I.I. Nachovnyi Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology



aromatic polyetheretherketone, carbon fiber, wear, friction coefficient, ultrasonic control, microhardness, friction units


Superstructural thermoplastic polymers, including polyetheretherketone, are now widely used in many industries. However, its rather high coefficient of friction and insufficient wear resistance limits its use in friction units of machines and mechanisms. This article covers the influence of T700 Toray carbon fiber on the tribotechnical characteristics of Victrex150G aromatic polyetheretherketone. As a result of the researches it has been found out that the developed carbon plastics exceed the base polymer in friction coefficient and wear 1.2-1.54 and 1.7-8.8 times, respectively, due to the formation of a stable "transfer film" on the steel counterbody (so-called antifriction layer): finely dispersed particles of the polymer matrix and crushed products of wear of carbon fiber penetrate into the microcavities of the counterbody. This is confirmed by the fact that the roughness of carbon plastics has decreased by 50 % in cpomparison with the base polymer. The greatest improvement in tribological properties is observed at 10 mass%, of carbon fiber content, then the properties get worse. That can be explained by the increase in defects of the material due to the dominant loosening at the "polymer-fiber" boundary that confirms the results of microhardness and ultrasonic control. The obtained results show that the composite with an effective carbon fiber content (10 mass%) can be recommended for the manufacture of parts of movable joints of machines and mechanisms operating under friction without lubrication in various industries: agricultural, automotive and textile. etc.


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How to Cite

Buria, O., Tomina, A.-M., & Nachovnyi, I. (2020). Influence of carbon fiber on tribotechnical characteristics of polyetheretherketone. Problems of Tribology, 25(4/98), 27–32.


