Research of tribotechnical properties of antifriction polymer compositions


  • R.M. Ostapenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine



plain bearings, thrust bearings, submersible pump, antifriction fillers, fluoroplastic, phenol-formaldehyde resin, mold


The analysis of antifriction polymer compositions on the basis of polyamide, epoxy, phenol-formaldehyde, furan resins, and also on the basis of fluoroplastic with various fillers working in friction knots is made. The influence of fillers on the mechanisms of friction is little studied, so when creating antifriction compositions capable of working in conditions of lubrication in water, the following tasks were set: to justify the number and type of fillers; to investigate the influence of fillers on the process of wear of material and counterbody; determine the optimal composition of the antifriction composition that provides minimal wear of the coating and the counterbody. The object of study were: compositions based on phenol-formaldehyde resin and fluoroplastic, modified with antifriction fillers; details of submersible pumps. The basis of the study was the study of tribotechnical and technological properties of polymer compositions. Based on the analysis of literature data, the target fillers for the creation of antifriction compositions for radial plain bearings and thrust bearings of submersible pumps are selected, their number and composition are substantiated. The criterion for optimization was the mass wear of the polymer coating and the counterbody. The optimal composition of the antifriction composition for radial plain bearings, which contains: a mixture of colloidal graphite Cl and carbon fabric "TGN-2M"; molybdenum disulfide DM-1; powder polyamide 12 APN-B; crushed prepreg comprising a fiberglass filler impregnated with a modified phenol-formaldehyde resin P2M. For thrust bearings, the optimal composition of the fluoroplastic composition is determined, which includes: fluoroplastic F4; molybdenum disulfide; carbon fabric; powdered copper. The physical and mechanical properties of the optimal composition are presented. Technological equipment has been developed for the restoration and manufacture of plain bearings and submersible pump bearings. Molds are made for industrial implementation.


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How to Cite

Ostapenko, R. (2021). Research of tribotechnical properties of antifriction polymer compositions. Problems of Tribology, 26(1/99), 33–42.


