Design of the power loading of metallic polymer friction pairs at stand conditions. Рart 1.


  • С.И. Криштопа


On the basis of theory of similarity and sizes the first stage of design of cooperation of friction is made "rim of brake drum - protective straps" of drum - block brake. A new interpretation of physical and dynamic similarity of cooperation of friction of spots of contacts of microscopic ledges and also of friction pairs is offered at electro - thermo mechanical mode of loading. For the design of the power loading of metallic polymer friction pairs it is considered at stand conditions: physical and mechanical similarity of cooperation of friction of spots of contacts of microscopic ledges and also cooperation of "rim of brake drum - protective straps" of drum - block brake of a car is exposed. The executed calculations allow define the scale factors of transition from the object of research to the model experiment, to execute the stand tests and carry the results of tests on the object of research. On the base of physical and mathematical design three experimental stands are made for research electro - thermo mechanical friction in the metallic polymer friction pairs of drum-block brake of the car.


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How to Cite

Криштопа, С. (2014). Design of the power loading of metallic polymer friction pairs at stand conditions. Рart 1. Problems of Tribology, 71(1), 61–70. Retrieved from


