Kuzmenko A.G. Methods of estimation of size, coefficient of part of work of friction, defiant the wear of surface.


  • А.Г. Кузьменко


A scientific value of the offered methods of determination of coefficient of damaging part of work of friction is a world view and consists of correlating sizes of power streams at the friction of surface of the tribology systems. Allows to build the grounded orders of estimations of the damaged part of work of friction more reliable power models of wear. It is got in theory, that a wear is back proportional hardness, that is maximum specific work of friction.


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How to Cite

Кузьменко, А. (2014). Kuzmenko A.G. Methods of estimation of size, coefficient of part of work of friction, defiant the wear of surface. Problems of Tribology, 68(2), 99–103. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/148




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