Improving the wear resistance of hoe blades by modifying of restoration coatings


  • T.S. Skoblo Kharkov Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkov
  • I.N. Rybalko Kharkov Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkov
  • A.V. Tihonov Kharkov Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkov
  • T.V. Maltsev State enterprise “Malyshev Plant”, Kharkov



wear resistance, restoration, hoe blades, bentonite clay, detonation charge, modifier, wear and friction coefficients, microhardness


The possibility of using a non-magnetic fraction of a detonation charge with a diamond fraction from the disposal of ammunition to modify the restoration coatings of a natural product – clay and secondary raw materials — was studied. Four different coating variants were investigated. For this, a T-620 electrode was used with its additional modification by coating with bentonite clay, as well as with a non-magnetic fraction of the detonation charge and applying it in the form of a slip coating on the cutting surface of the cultivator. It is shown that the use of such additives allows to increase the resistance of the working tool of agricultural machines, reduces its tendency to damage due to the minimum penetration of the thin-walled product of the hoe blade and a decrease in the cross section of the transition layer and the level of stress. Each modifier makes changes to increase the microhardness to varying degrees. An increase in microhardness is observed on the surface of the coating and its gradual decrease to the transition layer. The surface coating with the additional introduction of bentonite clay in a liquid bath has the highest microhardness. Its microhardness varies from HV-50-1009.7 to HV-50-615.2. Similarly, the effect of the modifying additive of the detonation charge, the microhardness varies from HV-50-969.6 to HV-50-633.26. When clay or a mixture is introduced into the restoration coating, the wear resistance increases by 1.3 - 2 times with respect to the deposited surfacing only by the electrode and by 2 - 3 times to the initial material of the cultivator. It was found that the lowest coefficient is characteristic for dry friction, as well as for hydroabrasive, for samples with additional modification with clay or a detonation charge


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How to Cite

Skoblo, T., Rybalko, I., Tihonov, A., & Maltsev, T. (2019). Improving the wear resistance of hoe blades by modifying of restoration coatings. Problems of Tribology, 24(4/94), 27–32.


