Wear resistance increase of samples tribomating "Steel 45-cast iron SCH20" with geo modifier KGMF-1
tribomating of sample, geo modifier, composite oil, friction torque, wear resistance, acoustic emission, friction area, oil M-10G2KAbstract
Increase of wear resistance of different types of tribomating which are functioning in fluid lubrication is possible due to: choosing more expensive and high quality material of samples that is not always sensible; applying some wear resistant coatings on them; selection and formation of complex composition of oil additives. Due to nanomaterials development there is a possibility of efficient use of functional additives such as geo modifiers in tribology. Due to geo modifier-based oil composites use it’s not necessary to make any structural changes of machines mated parts though their wear resistance is increased. It requires the conducting of some experimental tribological research. It was found that oil media modified by a geo modifier increase the wear resistance of working surfaces of different types of tribomating. The use of geo modifier КGМF-1 (Katerynivka friction geo modifier-1) has been suggested. Samples division into 4 types of mating according to the following characteristic features: mobility, material hardness and friction area has been suggested for more accurate picture of wear resistance changes of samples tribomating which are functioning in base and modified oil. Lower friction torque of different samples couplings in modified oil by geo modifier КGМF-1 in comparison with base oil M-10G2K was recorded while using Friction machine 2070 SMT-1 with add-on module "ring-ring". The samples wear rate in modified oil by geo modifier КGМF-1 in comparison with base oil M-10G2K was studied by method of acoustic signal amplitude measurements directly from the friction zone by a commercially produced instrument of Brüel & Kjear company. Moreover, it was recorded that the maximum wear rate of samples in their functioning in modified oil M-10G2K + КGМF-1 was 2...3 times lower, and friction torque change law is similar to the wear rate change depending on the time of testing
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