Editorial board

Aulin V.V.

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, professor of the department of operation and repair of machines of the Central Ukrainian national technical university, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.

Blau P.J.

Researcher, Department of Materials Science and Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, Oak Ridge

Bharat Bhushan

Ph.D., Prof., Director, Nanoprobe Lab for Bio- Nanotechnology and Biomimetics (NLB2), The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.

 Voitov V.A.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Transport Technologies and Logistics, Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after P. Vasilenko., Kharkov, Ukraine

 Hong Liang

Ph.D., Prof., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University,  USA

Enrico Ciulli

Ph.D., Prof., Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy

Dvoruk V.I.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Physics of the National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine.

Dzimko M.

Ph.D., professor, professor of the department of machine parts, University of Zilina., G. Zilina, Slovakia

Dmitrichenko M.F.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the National Transport University, Kiev, Ukraine.

Dobzhansky L.

Ph.D., Prof., Deputy Director, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland

Jeng-Haur Horng

Ph.D., Prof.,Chair Professor of National Formosa University, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, Honorary President, Taiwan Society of Tribology Technology, Vice-president, International Tribology Council, Taiwan

Jarosław Zubrzycki

PhD Eng. ,Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology (Poland)

  Kałaczyński Tomasz

University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Al. prof. S. Kaliskiego 7
85-789 Bydgoszcz, Poland

Kalda G. S.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Labor Protection and Life Safety at the Khmelnytsky National University, Khmelnytsky City, Ukraine

Kindrachuk M.V.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine.

Klimenko L.P.

D.Tech., Professor, Rector of the Black Sea State University named after Peter Mogily., G. Nikolaev

Lenik K.

Ph.D., professor, head. Department of Technology Foundations of the State University "Lublin Polytechnic", Lublin, Poland

Rudolf Mnatsakanov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Department of the National Transport University, Kiev, Ukraine

  Oksana Mikosianchyk 

 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Engineering, Standardization and Certification  of the National Transport University, Kiev, Ukraine

Musiał Janusz

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,  Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bydgoszcz Technological University, Bydgoszcz, Poland

Oleksandrenko V.P.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of Engineering Mechanics, Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Agricultural Engineering., G. Khmelnitsky, Ukraine

Opelyak M.

Ph.D., professor. State University "Lublin Polytechnic", Lublin, Poland

Padgurskas J.

Ph.D., professor, Professor of the  Power and transport machinery engineering institute, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU-AA), Kaunas, Lithuania

Gencaga Purcek

Ph.D., full professor, Dean of Engineering Faculty, Head of Materials Sciences Division, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080-Trabzon/TURKEY,  gpurcek@gmail.com

Pashechko M.I.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Ukraine., Doctor. Habilitovan, Professor of Polytechnic of Lublin.,  Lublin, Poland

Śniadkowski Mariusz

Associate Professor, Chair of Non-Evaluated Scientific Disciplines of Technical University of Lublin, Head of Department, Technical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland

Valentin Popov

Professor, D.Sc. , Ph.D., head of Department of System Dynamics and Friction Phyiscs at the Berlin University of Technology, Berlin,  Germany

Wójcicka- Migasiuk Dorota

Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty, Head of Department, Technical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland

Sigal A.

Professor, Department of Mechanics and Technology, Washington State University, Washington, Vancouver, USA

Skoblo T.S.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production, Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasilenko, Kharkov, Ukraine

Stechishin M.S.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Agroengineering, G. Khmelnitsky, Ukraine

 Chernets M.V.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor, Department of Lublin Polytechnic Institute., G. Lublin, Poland

 Shevelya V.V.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Labor Protection and Life Safety of the Khmelnytsky National University, Khmelnytsky City, Ukraine

Zhang Hao

Special Associate Researcher, Ph.D., School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing institute of technology, Pekin, Chine