Coefficient of friction triboconjugation of "neck – coating - bearing" in the conditions of "pellicle starvation".


  • В.І. Кубич


The terms of cooperation of elements of triboconjugation are examined at the halt of serve of lubricating material in an area frictions at which the clear contact of their materials takes place, and антифрикционные properties of the formed structures show up. Approaches are offered to approximation of the results of experimental researches got before conducted on the standards of models and models, directed on the study of evolution of tribologistates descriptions, mechanical properties of the second structures, appearing in contact layers at forming of initial coverage from the bronze of BrOF4-0,25 in gallium-indium environment on rollers (necks), by empiric equalization. Presence of numeral values of the modules of resiliency of phases of superficial layers, mean arithmetic deviation of type of surfaces, area of friction, pressures in a contact, sliding speed in a contact, it was allowed time of work to present them as two dimensionless generalized complexes which was examined as factors of influencing at two levels. The decision of the made systems of linear equalizations allowed to define the numeral values of coefficients of equalizations of regression. The got regressive dependences can be used for prognostication of character of change of coefficient of friction in triboconjugation of crankshaft of combustion engine depending on tribologistates the state of the appearing second structures in the conditions of "pellicle starvation".


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How to Cite

Кубич, В. (2014). Coefficient of friction triboconjugation of "neck – coating - bearing" in the conditions of "pellicle starvation". Problems of Tribology, 67(1), 51–57. Retrieved from


