Ventsel Ye. S., Shchukin A. V., Koval R. N. Decreasing the wear of cutting elements of earth - moving ma-chines during their operation


  • Е.С. Венцель
  • А.В. Щукин
  • Р.Н. Коваль


The method and results of performance tests grader blades exposed hardened by high frequency and sputter TiN-Cr2N. Recently, the ion- plasma coating has been inflicted on surface blades, initially exposed hardened by high frequency. To confirm the efficiency and obtain quantitative characteristics of the positive effect of the ion- plasma coatings under real operating conditions were performed us performance tests motor-grader DZ-180 . These tests were carried out in two stages. In the first test stage blade was set at an angle of 90 °, at which the load on the blade at the maximum, and hence the smallest resource . Besides a nip angle provides a uniform wear across the blade length. At the second stage of testing grader operated in normal mode without any restrictions, ie, carried out all types of work for which the capture angle of blade varies from 10 to 90 °. Defined knife wear grader hardened by high frequency and ion-plasma coating. Found that the ion- plasma coating reduces the wear of the cutting element about 1.7 times . It is shown that the average wear of grader blades for the capture angle of 90° occurs not only at the front , but also on the rear surfaces of the blade. In this part of the blade that had an ion-plasma coating TiN-Cr2N and wear only the back surface has a shy less wear than the blade fragments that worn under the same conditions as the front surface.


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How to Cite

Венцель, Е., Щукин, А., & Коваль, Р. (2014). Ventsel Ye. S., Shchukin A. V., Koval R. N. Decreasing the wear of cutting elements of earth - moving ma-chines during their operation. Problems of Tribology, 72(2), 17–23. Retrieved from




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