Kryshtopa S.I. Design of the Power Loading of Metallic Polymer Friction Pairs at Stand Conditions. Рart 2.


  • С.И. Криштопа


At heating of pairs of friction strong descriptions of materials get worse in thin superficial and subsuperficial layers and the processes related to accumulation and absorption of warmth are intensified. From point of electronic-ionic theory there are the processes of polarization and depolarization on the spots of contacts of micro ledges here the power levels of superficial layers of metal polymer pairs of friction change and an equilibrium roughness with the minimum dynamic coefficient of friction and intensity of wear is set, so certain thermodynamics equilibrium. It is expedient to conduct researches of such difficult complex of communications of process of friction by the methods of design. Taking into account the known analogy of differential equalizations of heat conductivity and conductivity, possibility to reproduce the unstationary temperature fields at different scope terms and different character of distributing of sources the electric design is used. For the design of energy loading of metal polymer pairs of friction equivalent electric charts, imitating distributing of thermal streams in their elements at electro mechanic friction co-operation and also power levels of superficial and subsuperficial layers of protective straps, at a secret is broken being of elements of friction are offered in stand terms.


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How to Cite

Криштопа, С. (2014). Kryshtopa S.I. Design of the Power Loading of Metallic Polymer Friction Pairs at Stand Conditions. Рart 2. Problems of Tribology, 72(2), 65–71. Retrieved from


