Kuzmenko A.G. Development of methods of contact mechanics shear concise surface. Part 2


  • А.Г. Кузьменко


In the study of shear surfaces compressed established communication friction stress function to the process with the stress distribution on the surface. Described and explained the mechanism of two sliding Friction and climb of synchronous.


1. Kuz'menko A.G. Variacionno-jeksperimental'nyj metod v kontaktnoj mehanike sdvigovyh peremeshhenij i naprjazhenij (VJeMτ). Problemy tribologii. 2013. № 1 S. 144-153.
2. Kuz'menko A.G. Kontaktnaja mehanika sdviga statichnyh poverhnostej (metodika i primery raschjotov). Problemy tribologii. 2013. № 2. S. 89-98.
3. Kuz'menko A.G. Razvitie metodov kontaktnoj mehaniki sdviga szhatyh poverhnostej. Chast' 1. Sistematizacija zadach metodov napravlenij issledovanij i rezul'tatov. Problemy tribologii. 2013. № 3. S. 51-58.
4. Kuz'menko A.G. Plasticheskij kontakt. Variacionno-jeksperimental'nyj metod. Hmel'-nic'kij: HNU, 2009. 359 s.
5. Kuz'menko A.G., Postupatel'nyj sdvig v ploskom kontakte, jeksperimenty i analiz. Problemy tribologii. 2014. № 1. S. 123-138.



How to Cite

Кузьменко, А. (2014). Kuzmenko A.G. Development of methods of contact mechanics shear concise surface. Part 2. Problems of Tribology, 72(2), 72–79. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/114




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