Svirid M.N., Pryimak L.B., Hrischenko S.O., Kolomiec A.F., Plotnikov A.O. Friction pairs' tribological proper-ties in treated by the magnetic field working environments.


  • М.М. Свирид
  • Л.Б. Приймак
  • С.О. Грищенко
  • А.Ф. Коломієць
  • А.О. Плотніков


Presently in all spheres of technical industry actual is a question related to "aging" of machines park, principal rea-son of that is precession triboobjects wear (bearing, plunger, gear pumps). Thus, most perspective for the increase of friction surfaces wearproofness level is methods that are related to renewal processes technologies development. In this direction the most perspective will be triboobjects wearproofness increasing by influence of magnetic-field on a working environment. It is known that hydraulic system details wear intensity depends on an environment in that they work, and details reliability - tribological properties of lubricating environment. Thus, than these properties of working environment are better, that lower wears level of details surfaces during a friction. It is known that lubricating ability of environment prevents the friction sur-faces wear at the conditions of tape formation. Durability of tape depends on active molecules presence in it, their amount and quality. Generally known, that the dipoles of oil are oriented perpendicular to the surface, but during the friction, depending on the friction coefficient, inclination of molecules dipoles takes place from vertical position, that considerably reduces the level of friction surface defence from the wear. Thus, clear that the most feffective is oils dipoles perpendicular position relation to surfaces during friction. With the magnetic field influence it is possible to create such conditions when oils dipoles will not change the position on horizontal, accordingly a wear will be below. In the work process the friction surface covers by the tribological tapes the closeness of that depends on magnetic field action direction on a working liquid. Certainly, optimal parameters of magnetic field influence on a lubricating environment and magnetic field influence is set on the modified additions of lubricating material for the decline of intensity of friction surface wear that gives an opportunity considerably to promote the resource indexes of technique. It is set that the maximal renewal level of the friction surface is observed at N - S magnetic field direction and equal to 0,5 - 0,9 mkm/km.


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How to Cite

Свирид, М., Приймак, Л., Грищенко, С., Коломієць, А., & Плотніков, А. (2014). Svirid M.N., Pryimak L.B., Hrischenko S.O., Kolomiec A.F., Plotnikov A.O. Friction pairs’ tribological proper-ties in treated by the magnetic field working environments. Problems of Tribology, 67(1), 70–74. Retrieved from


