Dykha O.V., Velboj V. P., Dykha M.O. Types and results of tribologcal tests of the discretely modified cylinder standards.


  • О.В. Диха
  • В.П. Вельбой
  • М.О. Диха


Presented results of experimental tests of wearproofness of fixed discrete electric tooling of cylinder standards. The discreteness of treatment was arrived at by creation on-the-spot of tracks of treatment, located with the set step under a corner to cylinder formative standards. As a result of tests the set influence of geometry of treatment on wearproofness of standards and influence of the discrete strengthening is on the wear of conjugating construction antifriction materials. Electromechanics treatment of cylinder surface results a hard-alloy roller in the different degree of the discrete strengthening of surface of standard depending on the method of rolling-off which shows up in the process of tests of surface on its wearproofness. The increase of wearproofness is predefined both formation of discrete areas of higher hardness than hardness of parent metal and size and character of internal tensions in a superficial layer, which arise up during formation of such areas. Substantial increase of wearproofness in 3,62 times at a bilateral rolling-off it is possible to ground that the cross forming of discrete areas results in more ponderable effect of their strengthening on condition of the balanced tense consisting of surface of comparing to the one-sided rolling-off. Geometrical parameters of the discretely fixed areas of surface practically does not influence on the wear of bearing coupled with it, the degree of wear of which proportionally depends on hardness of material of standard.


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How to Cite

Диха, О., Вельбой, В., & Диха, М. (2014). Dykha O.V., Velboj V. P., Dykha M.O. Types and results of tribologcal tests of the discretely modified cylinder standards. Problems of Tribology, 68(2), 38–42. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/135




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