Butakov B.I., Artyukh V.A. Analytical determination of mode treatment at rolling rollers by device from stabilizing working effort rolling.


  • Б.И. Бутаков
  • В.А. Артюх


Research on the choice of optimum effort of rolling-off, is it set that value of middle pressure , for torovivid, barrel-type and cylindrical rollers, certain at the different middle corners of pressing φ, deviates from hardness on Meyer no more than on 7 %. Does it allow to accept at a calculation efforts of rolling toroobraznymi, by barrel-type and cylindrical rollers as a condition of similarity constancy of middle corner of pressing φ, and also the optimum corners of pressing are set for the clean and consolidating mode of rolling-off and optimum linear effort of rolling-off from the diameter of roller is experimentally certain which will provide the roughness of surface on the treated detail of Ra = 0,63 – 1,25 mkm.


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How to Cite

Бутаков, Б., & Артюх, В. (2014). Butakov B.I., Artyukh V.A. Analytical determination of mode treatment at rolling rollers by device from stabilizing working effort rolling. Problems of Tribology, 68(2), 73–81. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/143


