Pisarenko V.G. Analysis of influence of dynamic coefficient of friction on tensely is the deformed state of barrels.


  • В.Г. Писаренко


The basic factor which influences on tensely is the deformed state a tribosistemi "barrel - bullet" and accordingly on the processes of accumulation of damages and wear of barrel, there is speed of change of coefficient of friction from values static to the values dynamic and to the output of coefficient of friction on the stationary mode. On the basis of the conducted analysis certain ways are for the estimation of wear of barrels of weapon, rotined necessity to take into account the features of dynamic character tensely deformed to the state in the conditions of high-speed friction which arises up as a result of co-operation of the systems "barrel - bullet".


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How to Cite

Писаренко, В. (2014). Pisarenko V.G. Analysis of influence of dynamic coefficient of friction on tensely is the deformed state of barrels. Problems of Tribology, 67(1), 100–104. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/153


