The influence of friction on tribocontact parameters slideways process equipment.


  • О.В. Диха
  • В.П. Вельбой
  • А.А. Вичавка


For analysis of wear resistance of slideways in the slide mechanism of the crank press is the necessity of determining the inbred load to the rails as the basic determining factor of the process of wear. As a result, the analytical power analysis of the crank mechanism of the press with the force of friction in the joints and the flat elements of the mechanism. The calculated dependences for determination of contact loads and shows a sample implementation of method of calculation.


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How to Cite

Диха, О., Вельбой, В., & Вичавка, А. (2016). The influence of friction on tribocontact parameters slideways process equipment. Problems of Tribology, 82(4), 24. Retrieved from


