Zaporojetz V.V., Stadnychenko V.N. Mechanisms of run-in processes of friction pairs of reciprocating pumps in the conditions of "nano-wear" at the presence of tryboretrofitting mixes.


  • В.В. Запорожец
  • В.Н. Стадниченко


The experimental and theoretical researches of run-in processes of friction pairs of reciprocating pumps at the presence of tryboretrofitting mixes (TRM) on the base of analysis acoustic emission signals are presented. The dependences of parameters of acoustic emission which correspond to the alteration of energy dissipation mechanism at different mechanisms of run-in of superficial layers are obtained. The classification of run-in regimes is given.


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How to Cite

Запорожец, В., & Стадниченко, В. (2014). Zaporojetz V.V., Stadnychenko V.N. Mechanisms of run-in processes of friction pairs of reciprocating pumps in the conditions of "nano-wear" at the presence of tryboretrofitting mixes. Problems of Tribology, 70(4), 92–97. Retrieved from


