Design of wear of multilayers coverage
The design of wear of multi-layered coverage is considered in the article. Bringing a task over to the dimensionless kind allowed to get the criteria of similarity of wear of multi-layered coverage. The mathematical model of wear, in which the number of layers, their thickness, properties of layers to offer resistance a wear, enters in an obvious kind, is offered. Dependence of resource of details is shown on an amount, thickness and properties of evocative layers on the criterion of wear. Cases are considered with the appendix of the stationary and variable loading.References
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2. Крагельский И.В. Трение и износ. – М.: Машиностроение, 1968. – 478 с.
How to Cite
Артемчук, В. (2014). Design of wear of multilayers coverage. Problems of Tribology, 60(2), 59–65. Retrieved from