Regular projector optimal strategy in the model of the normed unit load action on -pillar building construction-mount


  • В.В. Романюк


It has been proved that the antagonistic game on the subset of the unit hypercube in as a model of removing partial indeterminancies with the generalized principle of maximal disbalance minimization is convex, where a particular case is the model of the normed unit load action on -pillar building construction-mount. There has been proved the theorem on the unique pure optimal strategy of the projector in such convex game, which is determined by the simplest requirements. By such regular projector optimal strategy there will run both the corresponding distribution of building resources of manufacturing prismatic pillars of the construction-mount, and removing partial indeterminancies with the generalized principle of maximal disbalance minimization in the form of the considered antagonistic game.


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4. Романюк В. В. Модель усунення часткових невизначеностей імовірнісного типу як мінімізація максимального дисбалансу // Науковий вісник Чернівецького університету: Збірник наукових праць. Комп’ютерні системи та компоненти. – Чернівці: ЧНУ, 2011.



How to Cite

Романюк, В. (2014). Regular projector optimal strategy in the model of the normed unit load action on -pillar building construction-mount. Problems of Tribology, 60(2), 111–114. Retrieved from


