Dvoruk V.I. Modeling of metals wear friction viewpoint of nature kinetic strength of solids.


  • В.І. Дворук


The purpose of this article is to build a model wearing metallic materials in dry sliding friction in the air from the standpoint of the kinetic nature of the strength of solid, due to the decisive role of the thermal motion of atoms in the friction arising fatigue fracture surface. Тhe proposed model takes into account the conditions the durability of metal surfaces interact merivnostey friction pair. With it analyzes the factors that control the intensity of wear metals and the ways of managing it. The main cause significant scattering intensity change vyznocheno wear mechanism of destruction friction surface, depending on the susceptibility to seizure and durability of the metal oxide film. The effectiveness of the model confirmed by laboratory tests tribotechnical. Keywords: wear, durability, arising fatigue fracture, termofluktuating process setting, the plane touched.


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How to Cite

Дворук, В. (2016). Dvoruk V.I. Modeling of metals wear friction viewpoint of nature kinetic strength of solids. Problems of Tribology, 81(3), 43. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/39


