Technological design of additives to industrial oils obtained by reagent processing of toxic industrial waste.


  • Т.С. Тітов
  • А.П. Ранський
  • О.В. Диха
  • О.А. Гордієнко
  • Н.О. Діденко


As part of the fundamental dependence «structure-properties» was explored the possibility of reagent processing of highly toxic industrial waste with obtaining multifunctional additives to industrial oils. Also quantum-chemical calculations were made for sulfur-containing coordination compounds with chelating units MS4 and MN2S2 (M = Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+). Using friction machines SMC–2, MFT–1 and four-ball machine in industrial oil I–40A were explored the anti-wear properties of the additives of the class of coordination compounds containing chelating units MS4 and MN2S2. It is established that anti-wear properties depend on ionicity (covalence) of chemical bonds in coordination units MS4 and MN2S2 as follows: the more ionic chemical bond is, the worse is the anti-wear properties of the investigated additives. Correlation was made between anti-wear properties of the studied additives and their ionic potential φ and total charge (S1+S2) of sulfur-containing organic ligands in their structure. Depending on nature of sulfur-containing ligands, there was obtained the following row of anti-wear activity for zinc and copper complexes:


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How to Cite

Тітов, Т., Ранський, А., Диха, О., Гордієнко, О., & Діденко, Н. (2015). Technological design of additives to industrial oils obtained by reagent processing of toxic industrial waste. Problems of Tribology, 74(4), 81–89. Retrieved from


