Influence of different thickness of sheet standards is for tests on stretch on surface of maximum deformations.


  • В.Г. Писаренко
  • В.В. Савуляк
  • В.Є. Билічкіна


In the article influence of geometrical descriptions of sheet standards is analysed on indexes tensely deformed to consisting of area of measuring during tests on a stretch. It is set that on heterogeneity of size of indexes of the tense consisting of area of measuring during tests on a stretch the different thickness of letter has a most influence. Certainly size of rejections of indexes of the tense state from the geometrical parameters of letter.


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How to Cite

Писаренко, В., Савуляк, В., & Билічкіна, В. (2015). Influence of different thickness of sheet standards is for tests on stretch on surface of maximum deformations. Problems of Tribology, 74(4), 106–111. Retrieved from


