Concept of research of the wear resistance of metal parts, nitrided in glow discharge with independent parameters.
Pastukh I.M., Sokolova G.M. Concept of research of the wear resistance of metal parts, nitrided in glow dis-charge with independent parameters. On the basis of impact complex the model of the study of the wear resistance of metal parts, nitrided in a glow dis-charge with the autonomous (independent) parameters of technological regime was generated. The structure of the relation-ship of factors and components of the model can be the basis for automating of the process of the wear resistance of metal parts controlled formation.References
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2. Pastuh I.M., Luk’yanyukM.V., KurskayaV.O., Sokolova G.I. Metodika formuvannya modelI tribosistem pri azotuvannI v tlIyuchomu rozryadI. VIsnik Hmelnitskogo natsIonalnogo unIversitetu. TehnIchnI nauki. 2013. #5. S. 12–15.
How to Cite
Пастух, І., & Соколова, Г. (2015). Concept of research of the wear resistance of metal parts, nitrided in glow discharge with independent parameters. Problems of Tribology, 76(2), 69–73. Retrieved from