Estimation of energy loading of contacts spots of micro ledges of metal polymer friction pairs of tribology system.


  • C.І. Криштопа


Kryshtopa S.I. Estimation of energy loading of contacts spots of micro ledges of metal polymer friction pairs of tribology system. The specific of polymeric materials consists in that their work in tribological interfaces is accompanied by the proc-esses of tribological electrization, diffusions, and also destructions with formation of different phases which going back into the premieres being have other power levels of superficial and subsuperficial layers. It is known that friction pairs have a «polymer-metal» different energy loading at friction co-operation of tribological interfaces. Superficial and subsuperficial the layers of polymeric protective strap are the stores of charges, a volume and properties of which change depending on their energy loading. The last largely affects mechanical, electric and thermal the fields. In the given publication there are the con-sidered following questions in relation to the given problem: internal and external parameters in the power fields of metal polymer were determined by friction pairs at tribology system; work of electron output and ions from the surfaces of friction metal polymer tribological interfaces was explored; it was determined by energy loading discrete contact of micro ledges of metal polymer friction pairs of tribosystem; method of estimation of energy loading of contacts spots of micro ledges of metal polymer friction pairs of tribosystem at micro- and nano- levels was grounded.


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How to Cite

Криштопа C. (2015). Estimation of energy loading of contacts spots of micro ledges of metal polymer friction pairs of tribology system. Problems of Tribology, 75(1), 11–19. Retrieved from


