Modeling of metals wear when driving in abrasive mass.


  • В.І. Дворук


Dvoruk V.I. Modeling of metals wear when driving in abrasive mass. The purpose of this is to build model to calculate the motion of wear metals in abrasive mass statistical method which takes into account the nature of the interaction with the abrasive wearing surface and specificity of the process of destruction of the surface in elastic and plastic contact. Using the obtained models analyzed the factors that determine the amount of wear metals in the motion abrasive mass. Detected means reduced wear in elastic and plastic contact The results of laboratory tests confirmed dosovirnist proposed computational models wear that can recommend them to practical use in the selection of metals at the design stage of friction for the motion in the abrasive mass.


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How to Cite

Дворук, В. (2015). Modeling of metals wear when driving in abrasive mass. Problems of Tribology, 75(1), 77–85. Retrieved from




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