Choice of criterion of transition to the limit - state discrete environment


  • О.В. Багрій


The paper considers the criteria for transition of discrete materials in limiting state. The analysis of the known crite-ria of transition of discrete materials in limit state. The stability of parameter of criteria Mohr - Coulomb transition of a dis-crete material in the limiting state by comparing the values of the angle of internal friction obtained under conditions of stan-dard axisymmetric stabilometric tests and tests in plane strain. Determine the values of the angle of internal friction for plane strain conditions of the limit values. It is concluded about the growth of the value of the angle of internal friction at the work of the material in conditions of plane strain.


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How to Cite

Багрій, О. (2016). Choice of criterion of transition to the limit - state discrete environment. Problems of Tribology, 78(4), 6–10. Retrieved from


