Determination of the pressure between the two surfaces during the grinding of the granular material in the mode of hydrodynamic friction
The developed design of the mill with the electric drive providing the rotational motion of one of the working sur-faces of the mill, and the second is a fixed work surface with a complex form of manufacturing, which together form a circle connection on a certain amount of the same type on the performance in the form of a converging or converging-annular dif-fuser channels. Set theoretical dependence to determine the effect of physical-mechanical properties of bulk materials, the constructive and kinematic parameters of the mill to the pressure between two surfaces when they are in grinding mode of hydrodynamic friction in the connection of two surfaces.References
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7. Lysikov Ye.M., VoroninS.V., SkorykO.O., Onopreychuk D.V. Nanotekhnolohiyi na zaliznychnomu transporti: navch. posibnyk. Kharkiv: DISA PLYuS. 2013. 212 s.
8. Voronin S.V., Stefanov V.O. Doslidzhennya trybolohichnykh kharakterystyk smektychnoho sharu hranychnoyi plivky.Problemy trybolohiyi. 2014. # 2(72). S. 58–64.
How to Cite
Ремарчук, М., & Ковальова, Я. (2016). Determination of the pressure between the two surfaces during the grinding of the granular material in the mode of hydrodynamic friction. Problems of Tribology, 78(4), 86–91. Retrieved from