To the question of the choice the rational width of gear-wheels in helical cylindrical gear after the condition of constancy contact line of teeth.


  • М.В. Чернець


Is offered the condition for determination the width of wheels, at that minimum length of the contact line in helical cylindrical gear will be unchange in the process of their hooking. Is conducted the comparative estimation of maximal con-tact pressures and the gear durability with height engagement correlation. Key words: cylindrical involute helical gear, height engagement, minimum length of the contact teeth line, rational width of wheels, maximal contact pressures, gear durability.


1. Chernec M.V., Chernec Yu.M. Doslidzhennia umov zaczeplennia zubiv cylindrycznoi evolventnoi peredaczi na kontaktnu micnist, znoszuvannja i dovhovicznist. Czast. 1. Postijni umovy vzaiemodiji u nekoryhovanomu zaczeplenni. Problemy trybologii, №3, 2014. S.84 - 92.
2. Chernec M.V., Chernec Yu.M. Doslidzhennia umov zaczeplennia zubiv cylindrycznoi evolventnoi peredaczi na kontaktnu micnist, znoszuvannja i dovhovicznist. Czast. 2. Postijni umovy vzaiemodiji u koryhovanomu zaczeplenni. Problemy trybologii, №4, 2014. S.6 - 15.



How to Cite

Чернець, М. (2017). To the question of the choice the rational width of gear-wheels in helical cylindrical gear after the condition of constancy contact line of teeth. Problems of Tribology, 83(1), 6–11. Retrieved from


