Kubich V.I., Slynko G.I.,Yditsenko A.V. Methodology to evaluate the molecular bond parameter surfaces in friction units of cylinder-piston ICE group.
An approach for the experimental evaluation of shear resistance of piezoelectric coefficients and the molecular bond surfaces of elements in tribounits "ring - cylinder liner," "skirt piston - cylinder liner" operating cylinder-piston internal combustion engine group. For what was done the physical modeling shear displacement piston rings relatively fixedly at-tached the cylinder liner and the measurement of forces of resistance to movement with the equipment of the machine friction SMC-2, wherein the uneven wear of cylinder liners height determined values of pressing force thereto ring surface, due its elastic characteristic. As an example, in accordance with the current values of the specific resistance and the shear pressure in the zone of contact distributed numerical values of parameters identified molecular friction force component for rings and sleeve’s the engine cylinder ZMZ-410. Average values of the test parameters for tribounit "piston ring-cylinder liner" without lubrication formations at a temperature 18º C in the contact zones are as follows: = 3,36 Н•mm-1, = 0,34. In this case, the value of the shear strength of the production of the contact surface of the ring with the surface of the cylinder liner and pressure leads to experimental shear strength determined by a ball indentation into the surface in accor-dance with standard procedure. Why using a coefficient determined by the ratio of the area of contact detail, for example, compression rings with sleeve and ball indentation in terms of reproducibility of normal loads in the friction zone. Key words: shear resistance, piezoelectric coefficient, the force of static friction, the contact area, the strength of the elastic ring.References
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How to Cite
Кубич, В., Слынько, Г., & Юдиценко, А. (2017). Kubich V.I., Slynko G.I.,Yditsenko A.V. Methodology to evaluate the molecular bond parameter surfaces in friction units of cylinder-piston ICE group. Problems of Tribology, 83(1), 35–42. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/577