Mikosianchyk O.А., Mnatsakanov R.G., Kalinichenko V.I., Kushchev A.V. Еvaluation of energy, rheological and anti-wear characteristics of the contact under rolling with variable slip


  • О.А. Микосянчик
  • Р.Г. Мнацаканов
  • В.И. Калиниченко
  • А.В. Кущев


Defined the regularities of change in the specific work of friction under lubrication outage from the secondary type structures formed on the contact surfaces in rolling conditions with different degrees of slippage. Determined kinetics of en-ergy, lubrication and rheological characteristics of the contact under grasping of the contact surfaces. The effect of the spe-cific work of friction, secondary structures, degree of hardening – softening of the surface layers of the metal, the intensity of saturation of the active elements in the surface layers of metal on wear resistance of the friction pairs are examined. Keywords: secondary structure, specific work of friction, wear, rheological properties, microhardness.


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How to Cite

Микосянчик, О., Мнацаканов, Р., Калиниченко, В., & Кущев, А. (2016). Mikosianchyk O.А., Mnatsakanov R.G., Kalinichenko V.I., Kushchev A.V. Еvaluation of energy, rheological and anti-wear characteristics of the contact under rolling with variable slip. Problems of Tribology, 81(3), 14. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/6




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