Chernets M.V., Chernets Ju.M. The estimation of contact strength, wear and durability of cylindrical spur tractive gear of electric locomotive at high-altitude correction of engagement.
cylindrical involute spur gear, high-altitude correction of engagement, contact pressure, tooth wear, gear durability.Abstract
For cylindrical spur tractive gear it has been conducted the calculation of maximal contact pressures, teeth wear and durability at high-altitude correction of engagement. It has been established the regularities of tribocontact pressures change in engagement after reaching the permissible wear depending on shift coefficients in the phases of double – single – double engagement. It is observed the considerably larger value of maximal contact pressures at the entrance into single-tooth engagement than at the entrance into double-tooth engagement. Depending on shift coefficients, maximal (permissible) wear of wheel teeth would arise in different specific contact points: at the entrance into single-tooth engagement in non-corrected gear and at the exit out of it in the presence of correction. Gear durability has its optimum at shift coefficients = 0 and in this case it is 1,245 larger than in non-corrected gear.
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