Ventsel Ye. S., Ewtushenko A.V., Shchukin О. V., Orel O.V. Mathematical model of the intensity of wear of friction surfaces of tribo-couplings.
tribo combination, intensity of wear, wear, layer, particleAbstract
It is known that during wear on friction surfaces, the so-called secondary structures are formed that have higher microhardness than subsurface layers. Secondary structures contribute to the reduction of wear of the tribosal-chen, that is, it can be argued that the latter are a thermodynamic system in which entropy is formed, that is, the basic laws of nonequilibrium thermodynamics are applied. But by this time there are no theoretical dependencies, which would indicate the relationship between the intensity of wear and the main characteristics of the friction surfaces, in particular, the density of dislocations.
In this paper, we present the sequence of obtaining and the corresponding mathematical model, the analysis of which showed that the intensity of the wear of tribo-coupling in a nonstationary mode is directly proportional to the average volume of wear particles and their volume concentration in triblobodies and its temperature, and also inversely proportional to near-surface- its density of dislocations and surface hardness.
The mathematical model, which relates the intensity of wear of tribo-combinations with head-them characteristics of their friction surfaces, is obtained. According to the obtained mathematical model, the intensity of wear of tribotic compounds is directly proportional to the average volume and volume concentration of wear particles in the tribo-combination and its temperature, and also inversely proportional to the surface density of the dislocations and the surface hardness.
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