Aulіn V.V., Hrynkiv A.V, Lysenko S.V., Chernai A.E., Zamota T.M. Justification of infermativity criteria and relative sensitivity of the diagnostic parameters of the technical condition of the tribosystem of units of transport machines.
tribosystem, technical condition, diagnostic parameter, reliability, the criterion of information, the criterion of relative sensitivityAbstract
The analysis of an estimation of a technical condition of tribosystems of aggregates of transport machines is given. It was found that when choosing a rational list of diagnostic parameters, it is reasonable to be guided by the principles of possibility and sufficiency.
The use of methods of information theory and sensitivity theory to evaluate the regularities of the change in the technical state of tribosystems of aggregates of transport machines is considered. To select a rational set of diagnostic parameters, the criteria of informativeness and relative sensitivity are proposed and theoretically justified, and the connection between the diagnostic parameters of the technical state of tribosystems and the indices of their reliability is given. Information for this diagnostic parameter is proposed to be presented in the form of a functional time series, taking into account the regulatory and random components.
Classification of problems that can be solved by methods of the theory of sensitivity is given. The advantages of the theory of relative sensitivity are revealed, especially for the dimensionlessness of sensitivities.
The information entropy of tribosystems, its relation to the function of the technical state, reliability indicators and diagnostic parameters are considered. It is shown that the value of the information criterion directly depends on the received diagnostic information. The properties of the technical state function of tribosystems are clarified as a function of the dependence on diagnostic parameters.
An expression is obtained for estimating the relative sensitivity of the diagnostic parameter as a function of the mileage of transport machines, taking into account the reliability function. In this case, it is advisable to feed the function of the diagnostic parameter from the run as a functional time series.
In the time series, two components are combined: regular and random. They should also be considered as a function of the mileage of the transport machine when describing the change in the diagnostic parameter for the extrapolation period.
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