
  • O. A. Mikosianchyk
  • R. G. Mnatsakanov
  • A. N. Khimko
  • N. N. Kichata
  • A. E. Yakobchuk


boundary films of a lubricant, friction coefficient, shear stress, effective viscosity, gradient of shear rate.


Are analyzed the processes of physicochemical interaction of еру components of lubricating materials with friction surface layers of metal; are considered the models, that take into account the rheological properties of lubricants that facilitate the discovery of mechanisms for the formation of boundary films of a lubricant in tribotechnical contact.Are analyzed the modern investigations of tribological processes of dissipative structures formation at friction on atomic and molecular levels. Are systematized the results of the properties of the boundary lubricant layers, which differ significantly from their bulk characteristics, due to the supramolecular self-organization of boundary films. Is noted, that such boundary layers play a significant role in the processes of energy dissipation in the friction nodes, which operate in the modes of mixed and boundary modes of lubrication. Are considered the modern approaches of creating the structural and thermodynamic friction model under the boundary mode of lubrication. The formation and destruction processes of adsorbed and chemically modified films under the boundary lubrication mode should be considered as processes of self-organization in the thermodynamic friction system. Is presented the possibility of using the redistribution of absorbed heat as a criterion for evaluating thermal transformations in the lubricant and the processes of self-organization during thermoacidification. Are offered the general aspects of the choice of methods of tribological researches and modeling of friction processes.


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How to Cite

Mikosianchyk, O. A., Mnatsakanov, R. G., Khimko, A. N., Kichata, N. N., & Yakobchuk, A. E. (2018). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE STRUCTURAL AND RHEOLOGICAL STATE OF BOUNDARY LUBRICATING LAYERS IN FRICTION PAIRS. Problems of Tribology, 89(3), 47–52. Retrieved from


