Bogatchuk I.M., Prunko I.B. Restoration work surfaces tappet electric-doping with the use of copper electrode.


  • І.Б. Богатчук
  • І.М. Прунько


The expediency of using electro-building to restore dimensional parameters and performance properties of thorns frogs driveshafts. Developed mandrel microscopic studies layer obtained by electro-capacity cylindrical surface. A measurement of the hardness of the resulting layer and draw conclusions on the performance properties of the restored surface. Since the electric-heat treatment does not cause significant amounts of basic metal parts, so there are no deformities and changes in the structure of the base metal. The presence of micropores on the outer surface of the machined parts contributes to the maintenance of oil, and therefore improves the tribological properties of the surface. Based on the research structure of extension layers obtained using different modes of electric-treatment, found that by using copper electrodes maximum thickness of the layers was 40 mm. These modes of treatment is most suitable for restoring worn out surfaces thorns frogs driveshafts. Together with the ease of processing used for electric equipment, this method of restoration can be recommended for use in workshops. Keywords: crosses, propeller shaft, processing-tension building, restoration.


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How to Cite

Богатчук, І., & Прунько, І. (2016). Bogatchuk I.M., Prunko I.B. Restoration work surfaces tappet electric-doping with the use of copper electrode. Problems of Tribology, 81(3), 72. Retrieved from


