Influence of physical and mechanical parametres on the structural adaptability of tribo couplings


  • E.S. Ventsel
  • A.V. Shchukin
  • A.V. Orel
  • N.V. Saienko



wear, tribo coupling, steady state, dielectric susceptibility, structural adaptability


In the process of tribo units friction and wear, structural adaptability of materials occurs. The structure and properties of the surface layers are formed, that ensure minimization of friction forces and a tribo unit wear rate. Thus, two phenomena occur at the same time: structural adaptability of surfaces and structural adaptability of oil, i.e., complex structural adaptability can be observed. Considering the tribo coupling as a dynamic dissipative system, in which the energy of the macro mechanical movement is degraded, entropy is created.

Based on the analysis of the equation for the production of entropy, the conclusion was made about degradation of the structure of the substance. This fact can be interpreted as information about the secondary structures in the process of tribo unit adaptation.


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How to Cite

Ventsel, E., Shchukin, A., Orel, A., & Saienko, N. (2019). Influence of physical and mechanical parametres on the structural adaptability of tribo couplings. Problems of Tribology, 24(1/91), 40–47.


