Wear resistance of aluminum alloy modified with SiC by laser surface treatment
aluminum alloy, laser-modified layers, carbide silicon, rigidly fixed abrasive, non-closed abrasive, wear resistanceAbstract
The work is devoted to establishing the effect of laser modification by SiC particles of the surface layers of 7075 aluminum alloy, on its wear resistance in friction conditions with a rigidly fixed and non-fixed abrasive. It has been revealed that with increasing linear energy of the laser beam, the thickness of the modified layer increases and the volume content of SiC particles in it increases. X-ray spectral and X-ray phase analysis of the layers modified with SiC particles confirmed the presence of silicon carbide particles and aluminum carbides in them. The speed of movement of the laser beam (linear energy of the beam) over the surface affects the structure and wear resistance of laser-modified layers as well as the heating of the substrate. In particular, with an increase in heat input from 740 to 1100 J/cm, the concentration of SiC particles increases by 25% in the modified layer, and the wear resistance during friction tests with a rigidly fixed abrasive by 1,7...2 times. It has been found that the wear resistance of the modified layer is almost not affected by the direction of friction (along or across the laser processing tracks), however, the ratio of adjacent tracks overlap significantly affects. Thus, the wear resistance of the modified layer under friction by a rigidly fixed abrasive increases with an increase in the size of SiC particles and their volume content, an increase in the linear energy of the laser beam and the tracks overlap ratio. When testing with a non-fixed abrasive, the trends in wear resistance remained, however, the influence of the factors analyzed above is much weaker
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