The determination of the information frequencies in the frame of the acoustic emission signals from the friction zone of tribosystems


  • K.A. Fenenko Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko



tribosystem; information frequencies; acoustic emission; frequency range; diagnosis; constructive, technological, operational factors.


Based on the analysis of the works devoted to the selection of informative AE parameters for the diagnosis of tribosystems, in a theoretical way the information frequency ranges in the AE signal frame, where the maximum amplitudes values are observed, have been established. It has been theoretically and experimentally established that the information frequencies depend on the following groups of factors: the constructive; technological and operational ones. The degree of influence of the factors on the change in the frequency range is established. The operational factors (slip speed and load) change the frequency range from 106 to 584 kHz, the technological factors (roughness of the friction surfaces) change the frequency range from 118 to 618 kHz, the constructive factors (the size of the friction area of the stationary triboelement) change the frequency range from 140 to 530 kHz. It has been concluded that for the effective diagnosis of tribosystems, it is necessary to previously determine the information frequency range taking into account the factors listed above.

The obtained results were confirmed experimentally with the calculation of the Fisher and Cochrane criteria, which allows one to state about the presence of a correlation between the theoretical values of the information frequencies generated by the tribosystem and the experimental values of the frequencies, where the maximum amplitudes were recorded, the correlation coefficient r = 0,88.

The present analysis can be the basis for the development of a diagnostic method for tribosystems during their operation, which will increase the robustness and information content of the AE method.


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How to Cite

Fenenko, K. (2020). The determination of the information frequencies in the frame of the acoustic emission signals from the friction zone of tribosystems. Problems of Tribology, 25(3/97), 6–13.


