Plane contact problem on the interaction of a pre-stressed strip with an infinite inhomogeneous stringer


  • N.N. Dikhtyaruk Khmelnitskyi National University
  • E.A. Poplavskaya Khmelnitskyi National University



linearezed theory of elasticity, initial (residual) stresses, initial deformations, prestressed elastic strip, transformation of Fourier


The article is devoted to the study of problems of contact interaction of an infinite elastic inhomogeneous stringer with a prestressed strip clamped along one edge. As a result of the research, we have obtained a resolving system of recurrent systems of integro-differential equations. In general, the studies were carried out for the theory of large initial and various versions of the theory of small initial deformations within the framework of the linearized theory of elasticity with an elastic potential of an arbitrary structure. Integral integer differential equations are obtained using the integral Fourier transform. Their solution is presented in the form of quasiregular infinite systems of algebraic equations. The article also investigates the influence of the initial (residual) stresses in strips on the distribution law of contact stresses along the line of contact with an infinite stringer. The system is solved in a closed form using the Fourier transform. The stress expressions are represented by Fourier integrals with a fairly simple structure. The influence of the initial stress on the distribution of contact stresses has been studied and mechanical effects have been found under the action of concentrated loads


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How to Cite

Dikhtyaruk, N., & Poplavskaya, E. (2020). Plane contact problem on the interaction of a pre-stressed strip with an infinite inhomogeneous stringer. Problems of Tribology, 25(3/97), 55–63.


