Evaluation of operational properties of aviation oils by tribological parameters
aviation oils, lubricating layer, antifriction properties, lubrication mode, wear, microhardness.Abstract
The quality of aviation oils was evaluated online on the basis of their lubricating, antifriction, rheological and antiwear properties in the friction contact. The use of the software and hardware complex for evaluation of operational characteristics of triboelements is offered. Approbation of the proposed methodology was performed on aviation oils SM-9. The increase in antifriction properties of the “Bora B” SM-9 oil was established to be due to the formation of limiting adsorption layers of lubricant on friction-activated contact surfaces, which are characterized by low shear stresses of the lubricant, and their structuring provides high effective viscosity in the contact at a level of 5142 Pa.s. It was revealed that at start-up the lubricant temperature is 20 0С and the mixed lubrication mode prevails, but with increasing the lubricant temperature to 100 0С the elastic-hydrodynamic (contact-hydrodynamic) lubrication mode dominates, then at maximum rotation speed of friction pairs the hydrodynamic lubrication mode dominates, regardless of oil temperature, which indicates the effective separation of the contact surfaces due to the formation of a lubricating layer between them. Analysis of the specific work of friction in the friction contact showed that the instability of this parameter evidences to intensification of destructive processes in the near-surface layers of metal and reduction in its wear resistance. The decrease in wear resistance of the lagging surface in the conditions of rolling with sliding for all types of investigated oils is due to the different directions of the friction force vector in the contact. In the course of operation of friction pairs in nonstationary conditions, the softening of the surface metal layers occurs, which has a positive effect on the tribological processes in the contact.
The practical significance of the work consists in developing a methodology of analysis of lubricants, which makes it possible to more accurately evaluate their performance and provide recommendations for the choice of lubricant for specific friction units.
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