Investigation of tribological characteristics of brake pairs elements of mobile machine


  • V. Jankauskas Vytautas Magnus university
  • D. Kairiūnas Vytautas Magnus university



brake system, pads, disc, material, coefficient of friction, wear


The subject of the experiments was the tribological properties of typical brake pads and disc characteristics. For the experiment was used Grey Cast Iron brake disc and semi metallic, low steel quantity and ceramic brake pads. The breaking process was imitated. The experiment was conducted at 0.75, 1.25 and 1.76 m/s sliding speed using 0.85 MPa contact pressure. The experiments lasted 10 minutes. The results of the experiments showed that best tribological characteristics have ceramic brake pads, despite the fact that brake disc temperature rapidly increase the with ceramic brake pads, but the friction coefficient (and braking torque) was the best. Semi metallic and low steel braking pads had very similar friction coefficient values, but wear and disc temperature values were more dissimila


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How to Cite

Jankauskas, V., & Kairiūnas, D. (2021). Investigation of tribological characteristics of brake pairs elements of mobile machine. Problems of Tribology, 26(3/101), 26–30.


